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Letter to pollies - "act with decency and integrity... 27 November 2014

Dear Mr. Shorten, ALP, Coalition, cross bench senators

I am writing to you to express my concern, distress and disgust over the increasingly draconian measures adopted by the Coalition Government since taking Office last year, in particular the Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment (Resolving the Asylum Legacy Caseload) Bill 2014, and to urge  you to act to ensure that this Bill is not passed.

Australian forces have spent much of this century in countries defending the rights and lives of citizens against brutal regimes, while at the same time our leaders “advise” those successful in fleeing these regimes to modify their behaviour to allow their “safe” return to homelands. The incongruence of Government policy makes passage of this Amendment bewildering and completely unjustifiable.

The annals will remember this government as one devoid of compassion and humanity, who actively contributed to the prolonged physical and mental torture and deaths of some of the World’s most vulnerable people

You have the power to act with decency and integrity to turn this situation around- I urge you to exercise that power.


Yours sincerely


Karina Daniels