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Letters to Refugees on Manus Island

Dear David

I am forwarding 2 messages to me from Julian Burnside.

 I have sent letters to the 8 refugees on Manus Is whose names Julian gave me in his emails.
Put them on the blog if you think it’s OK.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Julian Burnside <>
To: Judy Cooney <>
Date: 21 November 2014 11:15:00 am AEDT
Subject: RE: Offshore detention

Dear Judy

I sent letters to 2 refugees last April but didn’t get a response from them,  probably because there were no facilities for them, if they received them at all)

Letters are now getting through, after an initial blockage which the Department of Immigration could not (ie would not) satisfactorily explain.  This is the reason replies have (until recently) been so scarce.  I think it will get better from here on.  the letters are very gratefully received.
The address for writing to refugees on Manus Island is:
Manus Island Regional Processing Centre
PO BOX 213
Manus  Province
Papua New Guinea

There are some more on Manus you can write to if you have the energy:

please contact to obtain names, if you want to send letters to refugees on Manus Island 

Refugees are able to get stamps for one point, so it is no longer necessary to put a stamp on your self-addressed envelope.  Make sure your name and address are very clearly written on the self-addressed envelope.
You should now try writing direct, and make a point of giving an email address and/or Facebook name

Very best wishes


Julian Burnside AO QC
Level 30, 200 Queen St, 
Melbourne, 3000


A timid question will always receive a confident answer. - Lord Darling

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.  --  Bertrand Russell

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Cooney [
Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 7:15 PM
To: Julian Burnside
Subject: Offshore detention

Dear Julian
I sent several letters to people detained on Manus Is. to your Melbourne PO address.

Many thanks for your work on behalf of refugees.

Judy Cooney

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