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Petition to Bill Shorten on asylum seeker policy

To Bill Shorten MP,  leader of the Opposition
  We, the undersigned, call on the Australian Labor Party to support the millions of Australians who are deeply dismayed by the Coalition government’s cruel, immoral and unlawful treatment of asylum seekers. Specifically, we urge you:
·       to seek an end date to the indefinite detention of children on the mainland, on Manus and on Nauru.
·       to develop policies for the transparent and  independent  oversight of these centres.
·       to seek amendments to the Border Force Act, in order to enable doctors, nurses and other support workers to report openly on their experiences in these centres without the fear of prosecution.
·       to demand access to the centres by NGOs, such as Amnesty International, and by journalists.




Published by Bellingen and Nambucca District Rural Australians for Refugees

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