Here are a few photos from the stall held by our group in Coffs Harbour last weekend.
This blog has been set up to further the cause of compassion for Asylum Seekers. We will post letters that have been sent to politicians, building up the pressure to provide compassionate support to all refugees in Australia and anywhere where people have been sent by the Australian Government. Send your letter and any reply to our email address and we will post it on the site. Any other information of use will also be posted. For Facebook page click on "contact us" tab below.
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Our poster and book display in Bellingen Library.
In the brochure stand at the front are flyers for our upcoming Rally for Refugees in Coffs Harbour on 19th July.
The Murugappan Family from Biloela: Two letters.
"The Murugappans are a family of four: mother Priya, father Nades, Kopi, and her three-year-old sister Tharnicaa." BBC
Dear Mr Conaghan,
I have been reading, with increasing dismay, about the treatment of the youngest child of the Biloela family at the hands of those entrusted to protect them. How can it possibly be acceptable for the parents of this young child to have to plead for days before she was seen by doctors at the hospital on Christmas Island? How can we allow a small child to suffer in this way? Why was her condition allowed to deteriorate over period of several days to the extent that she became so unwell that she had to be airlifted to Perth? This is beyond appalling.
It is not acceptable for our Prime Minister to continually remind us that there is a matter before the courts in relation to the family. He knows, the Minister knows, and you know, that the Minister could exercise her discretion NOW to allow the family to return to Biloela, regardless of the case before the courts. Sadly, that seems not to be the outcome that our Prime Minister wants. His hope, quite clearly, is that the family will lose the case currently before the courts, thereby opening the door for their deportation to Sri Lanka.
Does the Coalition government really need to demonstrate such a level of inhumanity just to let everybody knows who is in charge?
Will you please make a principled stand, as my elected member, and formally demand of the Prime Minister that the family be granted permission to remain in Australia, and that they be allowed to return to Biloela, where the community will welcome them with open arms? It is about time that the government showed some empathy and compassion.
Yours sincerely,
M....... Griffin
.............Valla Beach NSW 2448
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To karen.andrews.MP,

Dear Minister Andrews,
I have followed the unfolding story of the Biloela family with increasing dismay and disbelief. Dismay that our political leaders feel that it’s OK to continue to treat vulnerable human beings as pawns in a political game. Disbelief that our elected leaders could begin to think that this is an acceptable and appropriate way to treat other human beings in pursuit of an ideological obsession.
This just cannot go on.
I cannot believe that you think it is acceptable for you to appear in front of the camera to mouth the usual platitudes about the various avenues that may or may not be in play in relation to the future of this vulnerable family. You are the minister in charge. You could, at the stroke of a pen, decide that this family should be freed from detention on Christmas Island, and returned to their home in Biloela, where they will be welcomed with open arms.
M....... Griffin
...................Valla Beach NSW 2448