A group of 14 Rural Australians for Refugees BAND supporters rallied at the March in August in Coffs Harbour.
There were others we knew who were also supporting other groups who are being affected by Federal Government decisions and plans.
Mike Grifin gave a powerful heart felt speech and was loudly applauded by all the people attending the rally. The text of his speech follows the rest of the photographs below
A number of speakers spoke passionately |
March in August
Mike Griffin's speech 31st August 2014
I am speaking
on behalf of RAR Bellingen and Nambucca Districts.
· We are here today to speak out on
behalf of the seven thousand refugees
currently held in detention by the
Australian government. To speak out for those who have no voice; for those who
are kept out of our sight. For the 874 children languishing behind the wire,
most of them traumatised and sick, all of them fearful about what the future
might hold for them.
· We are here today to voice our anger
at the Abbott government's cruel, inhumane and unlawful asylum policies.
· We are here today to protest against
a government that believes it can simply do whatever it takes, no matter how
cruel, despicable and immoral, so that
it can boast "we stopped the boats".
· We are here today to challenge this
government's complete lack of transparency and its total disregard for the rule
of law in its treatment of asylum seekers.
· Finally, we are here today to remind everyone
that seeking asylum, regardless of this government's sloganeering, is NOT
illegal. What certainly is unlawful is
the denial of a proper process of assessment for those claiming asylum. What certainly is unlawful is the indefinite
detention of children , with little regard for their health and wellbeing,
little access to education, and little hope for the future. In international law, the actions of the
Abbott government amount to cruel and inhumane treatment.
· Firstly, asylum seekers have rights
under the Refugee Convention. They have the right to claim asylum regardless of
whether they arrive by sea or by air, regardless of whether or not they have
documentation to prove their identity. They have the right to have their claims
properly assessed; they have the right, once they have undergone initial health
and identity checks, to freedom of movement, to access to education and to
health care. They have the right to be kept safe and to be treated with
· Secondly, the government has clear
obligations under the Refugee Convention. It is obliged to process peoples'
claims in the shortest possible time, as detention is meant to be an
administrative process, not a punishment. It is obliged to both respect and
protect the human rights of asylum seekers and to keep them safe from harm. It
is obliged NOT to send refugees to third countries where their safety or human
rights might be threatened.
So how is
this government measuring up to its obligations?
· The Human Rights commissioner,
Gillian Triggs, following her visit to Christmas Island in April, reported, and
I quote: "These children are actually identifying themselves by their
numbers, not by their names, which is shocking." When did we last learn of
people being identified by their number rather than by their name? Have we
learned nothing in 75 years? If these were your neighbour's children, you would
surely report the matter, the children would be removed to a place of safety
and their parents would be prosecuted. But this is our government at work here.
Believe it or not, Scott Morrison is the legal guardian of the several hundred
unaccompanied children presently indefinitely detained on our behalf. Will he
face prosecution for this criminal behaviour?
I doubt it.
· The commissioner also reports that
the majority of the children are sick and that many of them have significant
mental health issues. The government's response? To instruct the medical staff
to remove this damning data from their reports.
They don't want us to know the extent of their inhumanity and cruelty.
They don't want us insisting that asylum seekers be treated humanely and with
dignity, as surely we must.
· The churches too have been
increasingly vocal in their criticism of
the government's policy. The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce , for
example, recently reported that the detention of children, and I quote :
"amounts to state sanctioned child abuse, which the Taskforce believes
will warrant a Royal Commission." It could not have put it more bluntly.
· Many other groups, including UNHCR,
Human Rights Watch, the Greens and Amnesty International have made their opposition to the government's
policy clear and have called for the immediate closure of offshore detention
centres. The policy is not just cruel and inhumane, it's also insanely
expensive. According to the Audit Commission,
it's 10 times more expensive to keep an asylum seeker locked up on Manus or
Nauru that it is to process their claims whilst living in the community. How can we spend up to 4 BILLION dollars a
year keeping people locked away and destroying their health when we could
achieve better outcomes for these people for a fraction of that amount? How can
we do that, when the UNHCR only spends $5billion dollars a year on refugees,
and it is responsible for 33 million of them in 125 countries.
· And all the while, the government tells us
that these hell holes are safe. Tell that to the family of Reza Barati,
murdered in the Manus detention centre by the people who were paid by this
government to protect him.
· Tell that to the doctors who have
reported 128 instances of self-harm amongst children on Christmas Island.
In a
nutshell, it is outrageous, immoral and unlawful to use asylum seekers, and
especially children, as human shields to protect the rest of us from would-be
asylum seekers. But when we explained this to our Nationals MP, Luke
Hartsuyker, he told us that, though we
may be well-intentioned, we are naively doing the bidding of people smugglers.
Well, we are not naive. We are principled, we are well-informed, and we
So let's be clear. This government's policy is
not humanitarian, as they would have us believe. It's not about preventing
drowning at sea, or about smashing the people smugglers' networks. There are
other ways of achieving that. It's purely and simply about doing whatever it
takes to keep these desperate human
beings from our shores, because there are votes in it. These policies are not about protecting
people, but about punishing them, including hundreds of children, in order to
deter others. That's morally indefensible.
What is
also indefensible is the government's insistence that asylum seekers will never
be resettled in Australia. In fact, they can be resettled anywhere but in Australia. They can be resettled in a growing
list of poor countries including the poverty-stricken and corrupt PNG, Nauru
and Cambodia. Cambodia, with its high levels of poverty and it's appalling
human rights record. Cambodia , which
ranks 160th out of 177 countries surveyed on the international Corruption
index. Cambodia, now led by Pol Pot's Deputy; a regime, let's not forget, that
murdered 1 million of its own citizens. Are we comfortable with that as a
solution to our refugee problem?
Is this how one of the richest nations on the
planet should respond to those in need of protection? Surely not.
So today, we
urge you all:
....because far too often in the past we have
looked the other way whilst our nation has betrayed young people. Think the
stolen generation, the forgotten generation, the institutionalised sexual abuse
of children. Will we continue to look the other way?
No, we will not, so let this issue of asylum
seekers be the one on which we make a principled and united stand, when we show that we care
for some of the most vulnerable people on our planet. Let us reject the cruel
and inhumane behaviour of this government and its predecessor. Join us today
and help us put an end to this shameful nightmare. Sign up to get our regular
updates today. We will keep you informed and help you to get
involved. Let us all do SOMETHING to show that we care and that we reject this
government's hateful policy.
Let us all tell this government, loud and
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