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Pressure on Labor from outside the group

Ms Gai Brodtmann MP
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Gai

To say that I am disappointed at the Party’s decision to endorse a ‘turnback’ asylum seeker policy is an understatement.

In fact irate best describes it, as I am sure are many other members of the ACT ALP. 

Without doubt you will become aware of our wrath over the next few months. Quite a few will leave the Party and join the Greens – others will just leave.  I am considering leaving and joining the Greens because as you know I feel strongly about the need for the Federal Government to develop sound, effective and humane policies to address the issue of asylum seekers.

The ALP policy on Chapter 9 does not reflect this despite the spin being put on the amendments.

Many of us in the ACT have worked hard on researching and developing a policy which many others in this ‘space’ support including well known advocates like Julian Burnside, Frank Brennan and of course Jon Stanhope.

Whether or not I stay and fight for a change in this Shorten promoted policy or leave and fight against the Party depends upon whether or not you, as my local member, support or oppose the ‘turnback’ approach and, if you do, how you justify it.

Interested in your response.

Yours sincerely

Terry Walls

25 July 2015 

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