Border Force inhumanity - see newspaper articles below,
Picket outside Luke Hartsuyker's Office THIS Thursday 29 October
Our now monthly picket of Luke’s office will be between 11.30am and 1pm in Little Street, Coffs Harbour on this coming Thursday. Bring a placard and help us continue to call for a humane treatment of asylum seekers in Australia. Given the events in Europe and the change of leadership in Australia this is a great chance to capitalise on these events. Bring a placard calling on Luke and Malcolm to Close Nauru and Manus now. Coffee and lunch at the Happy Frog after the picket.
This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes - to read the newsletter click below
Reminder: Coffs Harbour Market, Sunday 1st November
Our next RAR market stall is at the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore this coming Sunday, 1st November. If you can join us for an hour or two between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm, that would be greatly appreciated. As usual, we will have a very visible presence, we will be collecting signatures for the petition to the Prime Minister, collecting donations for ChilOut and selling T shirts, tea towels, bags and bumper stickers. If you are not able to help, but you are around, please drop by for a chat and sign our petition.
A date for your diary
As indicated in last week’s Newsletter, we are planning a meeting and social get-together for all our supporters in the New Year. The event will take place on Sunday 21st February 2016, starting at midday with a meeting to discuss progress and strategy, followed at 1.00 pm by lunch. Please put the date in your diary. Further details will be circulated nearer the time.
Remaining market dates for 2015
The other two market dates for your diary are:
Saturday 21st November at Bellingen.
Saturday 5th December at Valla Beach.
Labor caucus to debate offshore detention
On 10th November the Labor Party caucus will debate a motion prepared by Melissa Parke , and supported by Anna Burke, which will call on the Labor Party to close the detention centres on Manus and Nauru. Both MPs have for many years been steadfast supporters of a humane and compassionate approach to the treatment of asylum seekers. This is a great opportunity for RAR supporters to write to NSW Labor Senators and to Bill Shorten, Tanya Plibersek and Richard Marles, to urge them to support the motion and to recognise that public opinion is steadily shifting towards a humane and compassionate policy that is in keeping with our international obligations. Please tell our representatives that we are utterly opposed to the Party’s current position and that nothing less than a clear commitment to close offshore detention centres will be acceptable. Please put your town, postcode and NSW in your email otherwise the Senators will ignore you
Please send your emails to:
You might also like to email Melissa Parke and Anna Burke to encourage them in their endeavours to support a principled asylum policy and to tell them that you have written to NSW Senators and the Labor leadership to urge them to change the current cruel and unlawful policy. Their email addresses are:
Weekend Newspapers articles show the suffering of asylum seekers and the inhumanity of Australia's Border Force and contractors
More news is breaking about Transfield Services as this newsletter is being sent out at 5pm on Tuesday 27 October 2015
Refugee surge from Bangladesh and Myanmar
Marlene has compiled the story of the surge of refugees as the monsoons stop

The potential surge of refugees may make a lie of the slogan "we have stopped the boats"
Flying Pickets
I am trying to get together a group of people willing to participate in flying pickets at local events to protest about how our country is being governed, whether locally or nationally. What we would need are people to participate and people to provide the information as to what is happening, for instance Luke Hartsuyker on a charity bike ride, getting TV and photo coverage.
My idea would be a contact list for people and those able and willing to participate just turn up. Our protests should be themed so as to be clear and not everyone would want to put their energy into each event, we all have different priorities. I do not wish us to be couched within a political party or lobby group, as I feel it would be too constraining and might interfere with their messages too.
So if this approach appeals to you please contact me by email; or phone 6655 9254 and we can go from there.
Forum organised by "Mid North Coast Refugee Support Group" for Saturday 7 November in Port Macquarie
Home Among the Gum Trees..... a Road Trip North!
Hey RAR Groups, will we be passing through your territory

I will be attending this forum and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can build the friendships and employment options for Asylum Seekers in rural areas. It would be great to catch up with as many RAR groups as possible. Are any groups planning to be there?
I will be driving a 7 seater from Melbourne to Port Macquarie, with over night stop in Canberra.
We would welcome the offer of 3 beds for single male asylum seekers travelling with us in Canberra on Thursday 5th November, and Tuesday 10th November.
There will be 4 females on the trip, staying overnight with my relatives in Canberra.
Wave as we pass by!!
see attached poster for the forum to be held in Port Macquarie.
National Rural Australians for Refugees - now has current news on their web site

Shen Narayanasamy is the new Human Rights Director at GetUp.
Please promote this petition through your networks,
The Secrecy Provisions of the Border Force Act can be repealed with support!
Its too important to allow the legislation to go unchallenged.
(7834 page reads)
check out the index of subjects on the blog
the draft newsletter for next week is on the blog see tab at top
Our Facebook page can be found at
$130,000 to fly pregnant asylum seeker back to Nauru
David Wallin
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