This blog has been set up to further the cause of compassion for Asylum Seekers. We will post letters that have been sent to politicians, building up the pressure to provide compassionate support to all refugees in Australia and anywhere where people have been sent by the Australian Government. Send your letter and any reply to our email address and we will post it on the site. Any other information of use will also be posted. For Facebook page click on "contact us" tab below.
Click on subject of interest shown on the right under the heading "labels" to see all relevant posts
To look at letters (and some replies) sent to politicians and newspapers, scroll down the index on the right hand side and select the appropriate heading.
Note the blog allows multiple labelling and all letters to politicians are under "letters to pollies".
If you scroll down and cannot go further, look out for icon "Older Posts". Click on that to continue
Mike Baird's view of success of resettlement of refugees
Newsletter for 26 January 2016 RAR Bellingen and Nambucca
Problems with border protection ships
Threat to witness of Reza Barati murder on Manus Island Saturday Paper 23 Jan 2016
Reza Barati witness on Manus warned: ‘It’s very easy to kill you’
Immense suffering
Petitioning the PM
Newsletter for 19 January 2016 Bellingen and Nambucca Districts
The event will take place on Sunday 21st February 2016, starting at midday with a meeting to discuss progress and strategy, followed at 1.30 pm by lunch. Please put the date in your diary. Further details will be circulated nearer the time.This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes. To read the full newsletter click below
Immigration wastes money on medals for its staff - Sydney Morning Herald article
Immigration spends more than Defence on medals for its staff
News letter for 12 January 2016 Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca
The event will take place on Sunday 21st February 2016, starting at midday with a meeting to discuss progress and strategy, followed at 1.30 pm by lunch. Please put the date in your diary. Further details will be circulated nearer the time.
This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes. To read complete newsletter click below
Asylum Seeker children on Nauru abused, sexually harassed at school : former teacher
Nicole Hasham
I will not go to school because… the education is really bad, the teachers swear at us and the students hate us
Australia refuses to accept invitation to send Nauru Asylum seekers to New Zealand January 2016