The problems arising from the management of this department are becoming apparent, and we will list these, some with links to the detail, others just as comment. If you have other examples to add to the list, please email us.
The Border Protection Department is spending $1.3 million on medals for its staff!Full article is on the blog wastes-money-on-medals-for. htmlCost of chartered flights $20 million budgeted and in one event they spent $130,000 to return a woman asylum seeker to Nauru and then returned her to Australia a few days later! au/2015/12/crikey-article- expenditure-on-charters.html Refusal to agree to New Zealand taking some refugees from Manus Island as they might come Australia by the "back door". au/2016/01/australia-refuses- to-accept-invitation.htmlNot allowing children to have outings from detention centres in Australia. au/2015/12/border-force-takes- control-of-detention.htmlcost of uniforms/ renaming for para military organisation. $10 million au/2015/08/10-million-splurge- to-rename-australian.html You will be aware that the Federal Government believes it has a spending problem and is cutting funding in all areas, including funding to the states. This means that any loss you see in grants from the NSW Government may be a result of Federal funding cutse.g. Saltwater Freshwater Festival in Coffs Harbour cancelled because of loss of funding. If you have examples of loss of funding, please email us so we can explain how overspending on Border Protection is hurting local activities.New petition to Minister Dutton is attachedNumber of Days in detention on Manus IslandThe chart of the number of days that Manus Island detention centre has been open with the current group of asylum seekers, is attached. Download it and it will recalculate the days every time you open it.Australia Day MessageWhen you have read the above stories, and reflect on the values of Australians - decency, freedom, rule of law, compassion and then think about what the Government is doing to Asylum Seekers, one has wonder if the following comment reflects what is really happening This poster is also attached in case you want to print it out and put it on a notice board or send it to your local member of Parliament
___________________________________________________________ National Rural Australians for Refugees - now has current news on their web site• email - rar.australia@gmail.com____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ Blog includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians. (9879 page reads)check out the index of subjects on the blogthe draft newsletter is on the blog see tab at top and will be sent to 386 recipientsMission statement for our group has been renamed "who are we?" and can be read at It includes the updated RAR leafletOur Facebook page can be found at(394 likes)Twitter Account @RARBellingenNamDavid Wallin
This blog has been set up to further the cause of compassion for Asylum Seekers. We will post letters that have been sent to politicians, building up the pressure to provide compassionate support to all refugees in Australia and anywhere where people have been sent by the Australian Government. Send your letter and any reply to our email address and we will post it on the site. Any other information of use will also be posted. For Facebook page click on "contact us" tab below.
Click on subject of interest shown on the right under the heading "labels" to see all relevant posts
To look at letters (and some replies) sent to politicians and newspapers, scroll down the index on the right hand side and select the appropriate heading.
Note the blog allows multiple labelling and all letters to politicians are under "letters to pollies".
If you scroll down and cannot go further, look out for icon "Older Posts". Click on that to continue
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