Canada shows the way again again
In the news last week, we learned that the Canadian government has welcomed 20,490 refugees to the country in the past three months. They expect that number to reach the target of 25,000 in the next few months.
Our then-Prime Minister Abbott, under intense public pressure, reluctantly agreed to take in 12,000 Syrian Refugees in the current financial year. Since then, there has been a great deal of foot-dragging, with the result that, to date, we have admitted just 26 people from this war-torn region. We have to ask the question: If the Canadians can carry out security and other checks prior to the refugees arriving on Canadian soil, why is it that the Australian government has so far done almost nothing? Millions of Syrians have been forced to flee their country, and the numbers continue to grow by the day. Their plight is urgent. Our government made a commitment to help with the crisis, but has spectacularly failed to deliver.
Please write to your MP (for most of us that’s Luke Hartsuyker: and to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection , and ask them why the government is being so slow to honour its commitment and demand that the necessary resources are allocated to ensure that the 12,000 refugees do indeed arrive before the end of this financial year.
This newsletter is recorded here for archive purposes. To read the complete newsletter click below
Our first meeting for the year
A great turnout for our first meeting of 2016 with over 20 supporters reviewing the past 12 months activity and discussing new ways to intervene in the continuing struggle to close the camps and bring back humanity to Australia’s Asylum Seeker policies. We have already had a stall at two markets this year and have 14 more planned for the year.
A fundraiser concert is scheduled for June with pianist Simon Tedeschi giving a concert in Nambucca to support our cause with funds being split between ChilOut and RACS (Refugee and Casework Service) who have had public funding drastically reduced. We will also be looking at more protest gathering depending on current events at the time.
We currently have a fundraising effort going on to help us continue our activities and have raised $280 (as of 22 Feb) with a target of $500. A generous supporter has also given/loaned us a brand new gazebo which should prove slightly more weather resistant than our current, much loved but rather battered one.
The success of our recent #LetThemStay rally in Coffs Harbour gave us all heart that we are on the right track with our activities and various interventions. The rally was a joint effort with Coffs Harbour and Mid North Coast Greens, Amnesty Coffs, March Australia Coffs and lots of dedicated individuals. While we are not affiliated with any political parties, we are happy to work with all those who support our cause. NBN coverage gave the impression that spokesperson for RAR, John Pollock, was speaking on behalf of the Greens which was not true. John is a member of the Greens but RAR operates independent of the Greens. The rally was a huge success with over 200 people turning up adding over a hundred signatures on our current petition and raising $558 for ChilOut.
If you would like to donate to our Target 500 appeal direct credit can be made to our BCU account Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca BSB 704 328 Account Number 238 205

Let them Stay action from Amnesty
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David Wallin
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