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Newsletter for 21 March 2017 Rural Australians Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Sri Lankan Curry Lunch Sun 26th March
Auction items?
Next Market - Valla Beach April 1st
Next Roadside Demo - Thurs 23rd March Coffs Base Hospital 3pm
March in March - Sat 25th March 11am

Sri Lankan Curry Lunch: Sunday 26th March at 1.00 pm: 12, River Street, Mylestom

In last week’s newsletter we set out the proposal for a curry lunch to take place this coming Sunday, in response to the urgent appeal for funds by the Refugee Advice and Casework Service, as they struggle to meet the impossible deadlines for asylum seekers in Australia to submit their claims for protection under the Refugee Convention. So far we have not had much response from supporters for the event.  The cost will be $30 per person, and all the money raised will be donated to RACS. If you plan to attend, then it is essential that you let our hosts Margie and Georgie know by Thursday evening (24th March), so that they can either organise the shopping or cancel the event. Please email Margie and Georgie at: or phone: 0414 592 519 to book seats for you and your friends. 
Auction: going, going............?

At the proposed curry lunch, we hope to hold an auction to raise further funds for the RACS appeal. If you have an item that you think will sell for at least $20, then please let Mike know by email at:  or phone him on: 6569 5419 by Thursday evening.

As we are sure you will be aware, the Bellingen market was cancelled last weekend, due to the very heavy rain.  We are not having much luck of late, having also been rained off recently in Coffs Harbour!
Our next market will be at the Valla Beach market onSaturday 1st April. If you are able to help out at any time between 9.00 am and 1.30 pm, then please let Mike know by emailing him at :  Let’s hope that the sun shines and that we can make up for the disappointments of Coffs Harbour and Bellingen.
Roadside demonstration: Thursday 23rd March from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm in Coffs Harbour

Our next roadside demonstration will be this Thursday, 23rd March in Coffs Harbour, (weather permitting). You will find us by the side of the Pacific Highway, opposite the Base hospital. Please come and join us if you can. We have lots of banners and placards to share, and these demonstrations are an important reminder to people that we will not give up the fight for justice and humanity  for asylum seekers, whether they be on Manus Island, Nauru or  mainland Australia.
March in March: Nambucca Heads, Saturday 25th March at 11.00 am

As explained in last week’s newsletter, there will be a March in March in Nambucca Heads on Saturday 25th March, at which we are hoping for substantial presence of our RAR supporters. If you can join us and help carry our banners and placards, then please come to the Plaza shopping centre car park for an 11.00 am start.  We plan to march with our banners to Bellwood Park and to address the crowd.

Check out the index of subjects on our blog 
It includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers.

This newsletter is sent to >480 recipients


Twitter Account @RARBellingenNam

The National RAR web site is at 
The National RAR facebook site is at  RAR Facebook

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