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Newsletter for 24 April 2018 Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nam,bucca Districts

Next Roadside Demo - Bellingen, May 3rd 2:30pm
Next market stall - Bellingen Sat 19th May

I want a compassionate country
Update from Asylum Seekers Centre
Open letter to Bill Shorten

Roadside demonstration report
Another successful  demo  outside the Big Banana last Thursday, with lots of positive responses from passing motorists. In the face of  the constant negative portrayal of refugees and asylum seekers by politicians and their friends in the media, it is so important that we continue to remind people that their is a better way, and that decency and humanity  should prevail over cruelty and political calculation.
Our next roadside demonstration will be on Thursday 3rd May from 2.30 to 4.00 pm in Bellingen. You will find us on Waterfall Way, opposite the entrance to the golf clubadjacent to the Yellow Shed. Several of our usual supporters will be overseas on that date, so this is a heartfelt plea to all of you out there to consider joining us for an hour or so on 3rd May. Please put the date in your diary and join us if you can.

Coffs Harbourside market report
In spite of the grey skies and the rumbling thunder in the distance early on Sunday morning, the sun eventually appeared  and people arrived in considerable numbers.  We had a successful and busy time engaging with market-goers, collecting signatures on our new open letter and selling quite a lot of merchandise. It would be great if a few more supporters from the local area would consider coming along to help for an hour or two when we have our next stall in Coffs Harbour.
Our next market stall will be at the Bellingen market on Saturday 19th May from 9.00 am until 1.30 pm.

I want a compassionate country
At the recent RAR national conference, we had the privilege of listening to a truly passionate song written  and sung by Linda Simpson, with an accompanying film, produced by the Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group. Linda writes : " I would be honoured if you would listen to it and, if you think it appropriate, to share it by any means possible. It is a message of hope and gratitude to those who stand up for others being mistreated and also will hopefully open some hearts and minds of people who really don’t understand the situation.”
Here is the link:

Turn up the volume and watch it on full screen. You will be moved by it!
All the papers from the national conference can now be found on our blog under the “National RAR” tab.

Update from the Asylum Seekers Centre
In recent days we have posted an update on our Facebook page from the Asylum Seekers Centre about the Status Resolution Support Service, which we have written about in recent weeks. Some of the Department of Home Affairs changes to the SRSS have already affected some asylum seekers, and from 4th June single men and women who are assessed as being able to work will have ten days to find a job before all income support is stopped. By August, family groups will also be affected, leaving up to 7,500 people without any support.
Organisations like ASC will be hard pressed to support these asylum seekers. The ASC update states: “The new DHA policy is cruel, unjust, and designed to cause hardship and destitution. It is just wrong. This rips at the fabric of fairness held dear by Australians. After years of working with people seeking asylum we know that their most important goal on arrival is to secure employment. For most, that takes time. Without the time and support that people need, the new policy means many will slip into destitution.”
The ASC urges us to contact politicians to urge them stop these cuts and to give asylum seekers the support that they need to prepare for employment.
You may recall that we sent $900 to ASC some weeks ago, following the screening of Hope Road in Bellingen. This week we have sent a further $100 to them from donations and profits at our market stall. If any of you have any creative ideas about future fundraising, then please drop us a line at :

Open Letter to Bill Shorten
Last week we sent off a letter to Bill Shorten, accompanied by 1065 signatures collected by supporters at our market stall and by several other RAR groups around Australia. Many other RAR groups are using the open letter that we produced,  and will be sending them independently to Bill Shorten, which means that in the coming weeks, he will receive several thousand signatures from people, urging the Labor Party to change its current policy and to adopt a humane approach to the treatment of asylum seekers, including a commitment to closing offshore detention centres and to bringing people to Australia for processing and resettlement. In addition to the letter to Bill Shorten, we also posted 45 letters to Federal Labor MPs and Senators on the Left of the party, explaining the details of our actions and urging them to press for a change of party policy. Our newly-acquired photocopier has been kept busy! You can read the correspondence on our blog.
We now have a new open letter, which you will find attached to this newsletter, and which has been circulated by our national RAR committee to all other RAR groups. Our intention is to attempt to influence the Labor Party conference, which takes place in Adelaide at the end of July. Asylum policy will be on the agenda, and there are some in the Party who are seeking a departure from the current bipartisan policy which Labor took to the last election. Please consider printing the open letter and collecting signatures from family, friends and colleagues. Every signature counts!

Check out the index of subjects on our blog 
It includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers.

This newsletter is sent to >560 recipients


Twitter Account @RARBellingenNam

The National RAR web site is at 
The National RAR facebook site is at  RAR Facebook

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