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letter to editor - get families off Nauru - boats have been stopped

I hope that many of the readers of the Courier Sun noticed that last Thursday Oct 25th, one of the Government's own MP, Julia Banks, stood up in parliament and said “ We have a humanitarian obligation to get these children and their families off Nauru”

I believe there are very many Australians who support Ms Banks’ statement and I encourage those of you who are reading this to write to Ms Banks, praising her for her words. It is time we welcomed all asylum seekers and refugees on both Nauru and Manus Islands either to Australia or to New Zealand.

The boats have been effectively stopped by a large flotilla of both Australian and Indonesian navy boats and keeping legitimate asylum seekers marooned on these islands is doing nothing to deter future asylum seekers attempting to sail to Australia.

Margaret Henley

28 October 2018

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