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Newsletter for 23 April 2019 Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Roadside demonstration report
Coffs Harbourside market report
Our federal election strategy
Donation to the Asylum Seekers Centre

Roadside demonstration report
We had a great turnout of twelve supporters for our demonstration last Thursday. Our three large banners and lots of placards made a huge splash and attracted overwhelming support from passing motorists. We all agreed that the demonstration was a great success, and we did wonder what our parliamentary candidates would have made of it all if they had been present, given that some of them continue to insist that maintaining a hard line on offshore detention is a vote winner. 
Considering that the average age of our group of 12 was at least 70, and that one of our supporters was celebrating her 85th birthday, we were a bit miffed when a passing ute driver shouted that we should “get a job”!
Coffs Harbourside market report
The sun finally shone for us at the Harbourside market on Sunday, and we had a very busy time talking to lots of market-goers, who turned up in large numbers. We sold merchandise, collected 120 signatures on our open letter to Minister Dutton, and received generous donations for the Asylum Seekers Centre in Newtown. Our conclusion, as the federal election approaches, is that people are increasingly aware of, and deeply unhappy about, the reality and cruelty of offshore detention. The policy is seen as both unnecessary and indefensible, and should end immediately. As one market-goer put it: “This is our Guantanamo Bay. These people are political prisoners.”
A big thank you to our great RAR team for their hard work, and to Kim and her market crew for their support.
We will not be at the Bellingen market on 18th May, as it is election day. Our next market stall will be at the Valla Beach market on Saturday 1st June from 9.00 am until 1.00 pm. 

Our federal election strategy
A group of us met recently to discuss how to maximise the opportunity presented by the election to bring our campaign for the humane treatment of asylum seekers and refugees to the attention of both the public and the candidates. So far, we have come up with the following:
  • We have sent the attached questions to the federal candidates, and asked them to respond in a timely manner, so that we can publish their responses before the election.
  • We will hold one-hour vigils, with our banners and placards, outside the offices of those candidates who have an office on three Fridays before the election from 11.00 am until midday. The first of the vigils will be this Friday, 26th April outside the office of the Nationals candidate, Patrick Conaghan in Coffs Harbour. The office is located at 75, Grafton Street (the Pacific Highway), opposite Jax Tyres, between Park Avenue and Harbour Drive. Please join us if you can. We’ll have lots of banners and placards to share.
The venues for Friday 3rd and Friday 10th May will be published in next week’s newsletter. 
  •  We will encourage our RAR supporters to attend the various candidates’ forums and to ask questions about refugee and asylum policy. So far, we have information about two forums. The first one is hosted by the Coffs Coast Climate Action Group and will take place on Tuesday 30th April from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm at C Ex Coffs, which is located at 2-6, Vernon Street, Coffs HarbourThe second one is hosted by the Bellingen Chamber of Commerce, and will take place on Tuesday 7th May from 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm at the Bellingen Memorial Hall, which is located at 35, Hyde Street, Bellingen. 
  • Please try to get along to one of the forums if you can. 

We are investigating the possibility of taking out a half-page advertisement in the Coffs Advocate to promote our RAR objectives and to encourage people to consider the plight of refugees and asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru, and in our communities, as the election approaches. It will be quite expensive, and we can only do it if enough of our RAR supporters back the idea and help to fund it. We already have some pledges of support. Please let us know what you think by emailing Mike at:

We are also considering the idea of turning up with our banners and placards at the candidates’ forums, so that people will be aware of our campaign as they arrive for the meetings. Please let us know if you think that this is a good idea.
Finally, if you have any suggestions for further actions during the election campaign, please get in touch with us.

Donation to the Asylum Seekers Centre
There were a few late additions to the money raised at our recent fundraising lunch and auction. As a result, we have been able to send $3,700 to the Asylum Seekers Centre in Newtown to help them in their vital work, supporting asylum seekers in and around Sydney.

Check out the index of subjects on our blog
It includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers.
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