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Newsletter for 14 May 2019 Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Report on our Jetty Foreshores Rally
Where do the parties and candidates stand?
Funding our recent advert
Letter from the CEO of the Asylum Seekers Centre
General meeting and lunch: Sunday 26th May at 11.30 am

Report on our Jetty Foreshores Rally
A pretty good turnout of just under thirty people at our rally on Saturday in Coffs Harbour. Our key message was “Vote Compassion”, and we had a special banner and lots of new placards to get our message across to people as the election approaches. You can see some of these on our Facebook page. We had a number of speakers, together with readings of letters that our supporters have had published in the local press in recent months. Mike did an interview with the ABC which went to air on the local radio yesterday, and reports have been sent to the local newspapers. All agreed that the event had been very worthwhile. A big thank you to all who attended.

Where do the parties and candidates stand?
You will recall that, a few weeks ago, we published a range of questions which we sent to candidates in the Cowper election, in the hope that we might get some detailed responses. In addition, many of us attended the candidates forum in Bellingen last week. Add to that the lengthy document “I Choose Humane”, which we posted some time ago, we have a good picture of where the parties and candidates stand on the question of offshore detention.

In relation to the questions sent to the candidates, we received two brief responses, which did not address our questions. Andrew Woodward, the Labor candidate, directed us to the Party’s policy document, which can be found at:

We also received a two-sentence response from Alexander Stewart, the United Australia Party.
The very clear position of both the National Party and the Labor Party is that the current policies in relation to offshore detention will continue. 

Both parties frame their policies around ending the people smuggler trade, preventing drownings at sea, and keeping our borders secure. To that end, offshore (indefinite) detention will continue, boats will be prevented from entering Australian waters, and no asylum seekers or refugees currently held offshore will be allowed to resettle in Australia. 

Both parties ignore the fact that the naval armada to our north has turned back 33 boats carrying more than 800 asylum seekers since Operation Sovereign Borders began operations. Not a single boat has arrived on our shores from Indonesia in the past four years. No lives have been lost at sea. 

The people smugglers have been thwarted. There is therefore no humanitarian or security rationale for the continuation of a cruel, inhumane and unlawful policy which has destroyed so many lives in recent years. The only conclusion to be drawn is that the policy of the main parties in relation to offshore detention is purely political. 

Each party strives to convince us that they are tougher than the other. The refugees and asylum seekers are seemingly the collateral damage that they are willing to pay in order to maintain or win power. Power trumps principle every time, sadly.

The Greens have a long-established and well- documented policy to end offshore detention on Manus and Nauru, to close the centres permanently, to bring the remaining people from the islands to Australia for resettlement here or in other safe countries, and to end the policy of boat turnbacks. Their policy was articulated by the Greens candidate, Lauren Edwards, at the Bellingen forum.

Also, at the recent forum in Bellingen, Rob Oakeshott, the Independent candidate, made clear his opposition to the cruel policy of offshore detention and committed to seeking an end to it if elected, and to evacuating people from Manus and Nauru.

The Animal Justice Party candidate, Kellie Pearce, expressed similar views.

So, if you want to “Vote Compassion” you do have some choices.

Funding our recent advert
A huge thank you to our generous supporters who donated to help fund our half-page advert in the Coffs Coast Advocate. Amazingly, the donations exactly matched the invoice of $975! 

We have received positive feedback about the advert, which has been widely shared. Let us hope that it has helped people to think about the plight of refugees and asylum seekers.

Letter from the CEO of the Asylum Seekers Centre
“Thank you very much to the Bellingen and Nambucca District RAR for raising an amazing $3,700 at your recent lunch and auction. Your ongoing efforts and support for the Asylum Seekers Centre is really appreciated.

ASC currently provides practical and personal support for over 3,900 people from over 90 countries. 25% are children aged 0-17 years.

With your support, we are able to address people’s immediate needs by offering a range of services under one roof, including health care, legal advice, emergency housing, financial relief, food, social support, and employment. 

With the right support at crucial times, women, men and children can improve their health and wellbeing, regain independence and find community connections.

Once again, thank you.”
Frances Rush, Chief Executive Officer OAM
General meeting and lunch: Sunday 26th May at 11.30 am
A reminder that, following the federal election, we are organising an important meeting to review our work and to plan our future strategy. We don’t meet very often, so these occasional meetings are important in ensuring that all supporters have the opportunity to discuss and help shape our future activities. 
The meeting will start at 11.30 am and last about an hour, followed by lunch on the deck to enable us to socialize, enjoy one another’s company and meet new people. 
We do encourage all of you to put the date in your diaries and make a commitment to joining us.
The event will be held at 39, Rogers Drive, Valla Beach. If you are able to come along, then please let Mike know by emailing him, or phone him on: 6569 5419.

Please bring a plate to share. Drinks will be provided.

Check out the index of subjects on our blog
It includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers.
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