Evacuate Manus Island and Nauru refugees now |
and lunch on 26th May
Beach market: Saturday 1st June from 9.00 am
to 1.00 pm
Youth for Refugees: a musical feast: Sunday 2nd
June from 2.00pm to 5.00 pm
demonstration: Thursday 6th June from 2.30
pm to 4.00 pm next to the Big Banana
fundraising efforts in 2019
from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
family update
and lunch on 26th
had a great turn out of more than thirty people for our meeting and
lunch on Sunday. It was really encouraging to welcome a significant
number of new
At Sunday's RAR meeting and lunch in Valla |
supporters, who contributed very positively to our
discussion. We reviewed the past year of our campaigning and
fundraising, and as you can see in the attached report, we have been
very active. Much of the time at our meeting was devoted to planning
ahead, both for our campaigning and fundraising efforts. What is
really clear from our meeting is that we are utterly determined to
redouble our efforts to bring about an end to offshore detention and
to campaign for the needs and rights of asylum seekers already living
in Australia. We will give you a more detailed account of our
deliberations in next week’s newsletter.
the meeting, we enjoyed one another’s company and shared great food
on the deck. A big thank you to all those who were able to attend.
Beach market: Saturday 1st
June from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
are planning to have our stall on Saturday at the popular Valla Beach
market. We’ll be talking to market-goers, handing out leaflets,
selling our merchandise and encouraging people to sign our new open
letter. If you can join us for an hour or two, then please let Mike
know by emailing him at: mandm.griffin2@bigpond.com.
Youth for Refugees: a musical feast - Sunday 2nd
June from 2.00pm to 5.00 pm
Sunday 2nd
June from 2.00 pm until 5.00 pm, a group of talented young musicians
will be performing at the Bellingen Golf Club
to raise funds for refugees living in our region. The line-up
includes the Bellingen High School String Quartet, the Bellingen High
School Jazz Ensemble, Gungunbuwala choir and drumming circle and many
other individual musicians. The funds raised will support education
and employment initiatives such as home reading and pathways to
employment programmes, run by refugee support groups in our region.
are $20, available from the Youth Hub or the Bellingen Golf Club. It
is likely to be a sell-out, so get your tickets soon! For further
information, contact Fiona on 0429 033814.
are delighted that the young people of Bellingen are willing to give
up their time and share their great talents in support of our refugee
demonstration: Thursday 6th
June from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm next to the Big Banana
that the federal election is behind us, we are gearing up to restart
our roadside demonstrations, and we are hopeful that more of our
supporters will want to join us. The first post-election demo will
be on Thursday 6th
June from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm by the Big Banana in Coffs Harbour. We
have lots of banners and placards to share, and we hope that there
will be enough of us to make a big impact. Please join us if you can.
we will continue with our fortnightly demonstrations at the usual
June: opposite the Base Hospital in Coffs Harbour
July: Waterfall Way, Bellingen
July: Hogbin Drive, Toormina
fundraising efforts in 2019
week we were able to transfer $1,300 to the Asylum Seekers Centre to
support their vitally important work with asylum seekers in Sydney.
This brings our total contribution to the ASC to $5,500 so far this
year. It is important to understand that federal government policy
changes in the past year, restricting access to income support for
people seeking asylum, have progressively pushed people, families and
children, into poverty, further marginalizing an already vulnerable
group. The ASC is currently assisting 529 families, including 942
End off shore detention of refugees |
from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
the federal election, Kon Karapanagiotidis, the CEO of the ASRC,
wrote a very lengthy, heartfelt letter to all ASRC supporters. In the
letter, Kon sets out a clear list of the discussions that ASRC will
seek to pursue with the newly-elected government. They are worth
all men and women on Manus and Nauru, including accepting the NZ
restoration of the SRSS (income safety net) and a universal safety
net for all people seeking asylum including the right to work and
change in status for people from Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs)
and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs) into Permanent Protection
of government- funded legal assistance and interpreters for people
seeking asylum at all stages.
of the Fast Track legal process and people to be given access to a
fair and robust legal process.
protection or resettlement for people transferred from offshore
detention to Australia.
of claims rejected under the unfair Fast Track process.
consider/reconsider compelling humanitarian cases such as the
returning of Priya, Nades and kids home to Biloela.
Valla market stall |
family update
Tamil family, who were snatched from their home in Biloela, central
Queensland, by police and Australian Border Force personnel, have now
spent 15 months in the Melbourne Transit Accommodation Centre. The
youngest child has now lived more than half her life in detention.
The people of Biloela launched a petition which gathered almost
200,000 signatures, and held marches and demonstrations across the
country to try to persuade the government to return the family to
their home, but to no avail. They could be deported back to danger in
Sri Lanka any day now, having exhausted their appeals. Only
ministerial intervention now lies between them staying or being
deported. The two children, isolated from the company of other
children, have, unsurprisingly, developed behavioral and other
problems. The younger child has rotting teeth as a result of the poor
diet in the detention centre. This is how our government treats
asylum seekers in 2019.
consider contacting David Coleman, the Minister for Immigration, to
ask him to intervene and to allow the family to return to Biloela,
where they are much-loved members of the community.
Deaths in detention |
includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and
newsletter is sent to >620 recipients
Account @RARBellingenNam
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