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Letter to Minister Dutton

Mr Dutton,

What can you possibly gain by continuing the incarceration of the family Biloela on Christmas Island?

Surely they could at least wait out the time of review in humane conditions.

The cost in terms of dollars must be extraordinary but the cost in terms of displaying total lack of compassion goes against all common decency. Criminals in our prisons are treated better.

Please end this outrageous injustice. Give them an opportunity for a new life. I’m sure they will be exemplary citizens.

The following quote from the Harvard Political Review in the USA is a critical indictment of our government’s attitude:

“Australia’s policy of holding refugees in indefinite detention breaks international human right law, taints its international standing, and undermines its credibility when denouncing other nations for the same crimes.”

A serious rethink on your part is due.
Please hear the people.

Yours sincerely

Anne Joyce

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