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Day of shame as Medevac repealed

The repeal of the Medevac legislation yesterday means that the refugees in PNG and Nauru will once again be left without medical treatment.
For over six years, the Coalition government has deliberately deprived refugees of medical treatment. Even during the operation of the Medevac Bill, they colluded with the Nauru government’s efforts to block people who had been approved for medical transfer. 
There has never been a connection between people seeking asylum and national security. The government simply wants total control over the lives of those they have imprisoned offshore.
But it cannot escape its responsibility for those they are holding offshore. 
Their willingness to use psychological and physical torture as part of their refugee policies is revealed by the mistreatment of over 40 asylum seekers being held on starvation rations and without phone or legal access in the Bomana detention facility in Port Moresby.
The government has no resettlement process. The US deal is almost exhausted. Around 70 refugees are still waiting in Port Moresby to be transferred to the US. Join us to protest this Saturday and as we continue fighting to demand all the asylum seekers and refugees in PNG and Nauru be brought to Australia and given the protection they asked for in 2013.

Refugee Action Coalition


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