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The Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group Letter Writers braved freezing conditions on two occasions during Refugee Week to set up a stall in Leura Mall. We asked passers by to add their signature to an open letter to Anthony Albanese, put together by Bellingen and Nambucca District RAR,  asking him to commit Labor to a more humane and principled policy on refugees than the current government.

We also asked people to sign  postcards  to Immigration Minister, Alex Hawke and Home Affairs Minister, Karen Andrews asking them to take up the NZ offer to resettle refugees from Manus and Nauru.

Given the adverse weather conditions, the renewed COVID threat and the impending lockdown, we were overwhelmed by the positive public response. We received 213 signatures on the open letter and we’ll be posting 155 postcards to Parliament House. The groundswell of support for a humane policy and for the Australian government  to do the right thing is growing. Governments need to listen.


Judy R.......



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