Present: Sue, Susan, Jill, Hilary, Marlene, Paul and Mike.
Apologies: Margie, Georgie, Peter, Barbara, Maureen and Gillian
Our key objectives:
To seek an end to the current inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. We want the next government to comply fully with our international obligations under the Refugee Convention. We want an end to the arbitrary detention onshore and offshore of refugees, with permanent protection visas for all those who have been found to be entitled to protection under our international obligations. We want a fair and just process for people seeking asylum who are currently living in our community, with appropriate support and a reasonable timeframe for the resolution of their protection claims. We want the NZ offer of an annual intake of 150 refugees to be taken up urgently, with priority given to the men still stuck offshore in PNG and Nauru. We want an immediate, significant, increase in our annual refugee humanitarian intake. Currently our intake numbers are the lowest in 45 years, in spite of the ever-growing number of refugees globally.
Issues and actions:
· Agreed that we would try to put a roster of letter writers together for the next two months. Paul will take care of the Coffs NOTA and Hilary will take the lead for the Bellingen paper. (Jill adds: We should consider also the Port Macquarie NOTA? Are there any others in Cowper?). Mike is happy to provide talking points, and where possible, photos. We will ask Margie if she is willing to coordinate the operation.
· Agreed that we will produce written questions to send to candidates. Mike will draft and circulate for comment.
· We agreed that wherever possible we would attend Meet the Candidates events once we know where and when they are scheduled. Jill will try to find out and report back.
· Agreed that we would not hold a rally for refugees, but that we would make the next Coffs Harbour market (24th April) an election-focused event.
· Mike will produce a draft election leaflet and will circulate for comment.
· We have five new placards with an election focus. Mike will make a new banner. The consensus was for: “Vote fair go for refugees”.
· We will seek opportunities to gain media attention for our activities leading up to the election.
Given the new location of Conaghan’s office, we agreed that a
demo was not practical.
· We are not politically aligned, so we can’t offer a platform to any one candidate. We will, however, be supportive of any candidate who supports our objectives, as outlined above.
· We agreed to hold a second and final meeting in early April. Mike will circulate some possible dates to all the people listed above.
· We need someone to volunteer to liaise with other groups in Cowper, including, but not limited to, Amnesty International and Port Macquarie refugee support group.
· We are not politically aligned, so we can’t offer a platform to any one candidate. We will, however, be supportive of any candidate who supports our objectives, as outlined above.
· We agreed to hold a second and final meeting in early April. Mike will circulate some possible dates to all the people listed above.
· We need someone to volunteer to liaise with other groups in Cowper, including, but not limited to, Amnesty International and Port Macquarie refugee support group.
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