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letter to Shayne Neumann Labor Shadow Minister for Immigration - 11 August 2017

From: Mike
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 3:17 PM
To: Shayne Neumann MP
Subject: Refugees

Dear Mr Neumann,
I was dismayed to read the recent press release issued by UNHCR relating to the Australian government’s treatment of people in offshore detention facilities. It is clear for the press statement that UNHCR  personnel believed that they had reached a clear understanding with officials in Minister Dutton’s department that a very small number of refugees –fewer than 40 - would be quietly allowed to join their family members who had already been resettled here. 

The statement reads: “ There is no doubt these vulnerable people should be reunited with their families in Australia. This is the humane and reasonable thing to do.”

Could you please explain to me why the Labor Opposition is not standing with the UNHCR and publically demanding that this small group of very vulnerable refugees be resettled in Australia without delay? They have surely suffered enough, and detaining them further serves no purpose, other than base political calculation. 

We, the public, deserve to know whether or not the Labor Party will finally adopt a principled and humane stance, at least in relation to this tiny number of individuals.

I look  forward to your response.

Yours sincerely.

Mike Griffin

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