
Click on subject of interest shown on the right under the heading "labels" to see all relevant posts

To look at letters (and some replies) sent to politicians and newspapers, scroll down the index on the right hand side and select the appropriate heading.

Note the blog allows multiple labelling and all letters to politicians are under "letters to pollies".

If you scroll down and cannot go further, look out for icon "Older Posts". Click on that to continue


A list of links is being built up under "useful links" tab above

A link to the Refugee Council Web page about myths concerning asylum
seekers and  refugees and arguments we need to know to refute them

Also list of parliamentarians to write to  at

Sarah Hanson-Young sent this link out this morning...sounds like the
sort of thing we were looking for.. Julian Burnside is co-ordianting a
letter writing program to asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru.