This blog has been set up to further the cause of compassion for Asylum Seekers. We will post letters that have been sent to politicians, building up the pressure to provide compassionate support to all refugees in Australia and anywhere where people have been sent by the Australian Government. Send your letter and any reply to our email address and we will post it on the site. Any other information of use will also be posted. For Facebook page click on "contact us" tab below.
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To look at letters (and some replies) sent to politicians and newspapers, scroll down the index on the right hand side and select the appropriate heading.
Note the blog allows multiple labelling and all letters to politicians are under "letters to pollies".
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It is time for Australia to set the refugees free article from the Age, 28 December 2015
Close offshore detention centres - letter from Marlene to Guardian News 17 Dec 15

Newsletter for 15 December 2015 RAR Bello and Nambucca
Canada shows the way letter from Mike to Nambucca Guardian News 13 Dec 2015
letter and petition to Prime Minister
Crikey article expenditure on charters and budgets for Nauru and Manus Island 8 Dec 2015
Australia spends $20m on charters to Nauru and Manus
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IMPOSSIBLEAustralia is still committed to protecting its borders and will continue to stop whoever tries to come illegally on a boat – no matter where they’re from.The Australian government’s announcement regarding the resettlement of those who are running from conflict in Syria and Iraq will not influence the Australian policy of stopping people who try to go to Australia illegally by boat.The change in Australian Prime Minister doesn’t change Australia’s policy of safely returning boats or moving people to different countries to be processed or resettled.The PM of Australia says that there will not be resettlement in Australia for people who are on Manus and Nauru — they will never come to Australia.Don’t believe the lies of people smugglers. There’s no one who comes illegally by boat that gets to call Australia home.This regulation applies to everyone. There is no exception.