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Canada shows the way letter from Mike to Nambucca Guardian News 13 Dec 2015

From: Mike
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 1:31 PM
Subject: Letter to the Editor

Canada shows the way
Last Thursday evening a planeload of Syrian refugees arrived in Toronto, Canada. There to meet them was Canada’s recently elected Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.  Mr Trudeau welcomed the refugees personally, with open arms, under the full glare of the international media.  He told them: “This is a wonderful night, where we get to show not just a planeload of new Canadians what Canada is all about, we get to show the world how to open our hearts and welcome in people who are fleeing an extraordinarily difficult situation”.  What a powerful, warm message of hope and joy for these people, the first of 25,000 who will be welcomed to Canada by the end of February 2016. The politics of fear mongering and mistrust were nowhere to be heard. What a difference strong, principled leadership can make to the mood of a country and to the willingness of people to embrace those who are in need. Our leaders, and our media, could learn a lot from the Canadians’ example. 

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