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Newsletter for 22 September 2015 Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Hi everyone

Picket outside Luke Hartsuyker's Office THIS Thursday 24 September 
 Our now monthly picket of Luke’s office will be between 11.30am and 1pm in Little Street, Coffs Harbour on this coming Thursday 24 September. Bring a placard and help us continue to call for a humane treatment of asylum seekers in Australia. Given the events in Europe and the change of leadership in Australia this is a great chance to capitalise on these events. Bring a placard calling on Luke and Malcolm to Close Nauru and Manus now. Coffee and lunch at the Happy Frog after the picket.

Please contact Robin for more detail 

Valla Market: Saturday 3 October

Our next market stall will be at the Valla Beach market on Saturday  3rd October. The markets are a great opportunity for our group to publicise the cause for the humane and compassionate treatment of asylum seekers and to continue our campaign to raise public awareness of the terrible conditions  on Nauru and Manus islands. Asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru continue to be treated harshly in prison-like conditions, though they have committed no crimes.  Many of them have now survived up to three years in these intolerable hellholes , with no end in sight. Not a single refugee has so far been settled in PNG.
Please consider joining us on the market stall for an hour or two on 3rd October. John and Mike will be setting up the stall at 7.00 am, and we would appreciate support from 9.00 am onwards, until 1.00 pm.
If you can join us, then please email Mike on  or phone him on 6569 5419.

This newsletter is stored her for archive purposes. To read the rest please click below

Senate enquiry condemns the Nauru detention centre as “insupportable”.

The five-member cross-party select committee recently  published its report on conditions at the Nauru detention centre and demanded that all asylum seeker children should be removed immediately. The report cites widespread allegations of child abuse, violence against asylum seekers, deprivation and sexual assault. The committee states that “Nauru is not well run, nor are Wilson Security and Transfield Services properly accountable to the commonwealth despite the significant investment in their services”. The committee also found that Australia –not Nauru – is legally responsible for the abuses in the centre, because the Australian government has effective control of it.  The government’s insistence that the problems in the centre are a matter for the Nauruan government are “a cynical and unjustifiable attempt to avoid accountability”. The report goes on to highlight the secrecy, lack of transparency and accountability in the centre, which inevitably lead to detainees being mistreated,  and states that new laws should be enacted to make mandatory the reporting of sexual assault and violence allegations.
Running the Nauru detention centre has cost the Australian taxpayers $1.33 billion since it was reopened in September 2012.  Putting to one side for a moment the moral, humanitarian and international obligations issues, this cannot possibly be a good use of taxpayers’ money. 

This is surely an appropriate time for us to be writing to the new Prime Minister to urge a change in policy.

Cruelty in offshore detention centres

Young refugee assaulted on Manus Island and forced to buy his own medicine 


National Rural Australians for Refugees - now has current news on their web site 

   email  -

Blog  includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians.
  (7028 page reads)

check out the index of subjects on the blog

the draft newsletter for next week is on the blog see tab at top

Our Facebook page can be found at 


Twitter Account  @RARBellingenNam

Email Address

David Wallin

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