Christmas Island death and riots November 2015, UN critical of immigration policy
this newsletter is stored here for archive purposes - to read the newsletter click below
Bellingen Market: Saturday 21st November
Our next market stall will be on Saturday 21st November in Bellingen. John and Mike will be setting up the stall at 7.00 am and would welcome volunteers from 9.00 am through until 1.00 pm. If you can help for an hour or two, please contact Mike at:, or phone him on 6569 5419. It’s a great market and we always have lots of interest from the public, who are happy to engage in discussion, sign our petition and sometimes purchase our various items of merchandise. Please consider joining us for a while, even if just to drop by, have a chat and sign the latest petition to the Prime Minister. It would be good to welcome some new faces, so why not give it a go?
Mid North Coast Refugee Support Group
John and Mike attended the meeting of the MNCRSG in Port Macquarie on Saturday 7th November on behalf of our group. There were approximately 100 people in attendance at what proved to be a most interesting and informative session. Various presenters covered a range of topics, from Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs), the work of volunteers in Melbourne and the Home Among the Gum Trees Project. The latter is a scheme which enables asylum seekers/refugees to spend some time with host families in regional Australia to help them better understand what life outside the capital cities is like. A number of people from the MNCRSG have hosted visitors during the past couple of years, and the experience seems to have been overwhelmingly positive for both the visitors and their hosts. If you want to know more about MNCRSG, then you can find more information at: If you think that the Home Among the Gum Trees project is something that we could support, then we can discuss the issue at the meeting which we are planning to hold in February 2016.
The event will take place on Sunday 21st February 2016, starting at midday with a meeting to discuss progress and strategy, followed at 1.00 pm by lunch. Please put the date in your diary. Further details will be circulated nearer the time.
Christmas Island death and riots November 2015
Australia's immigration policies criticised by UN
More than 100 countries critics Australia's Immigration Policies at Untied Nation Human Rights Council
Chilout - When will children be released from detention?
"Australia’s voice opposing the detention of children is reaching a critical mass. Faith groups, health professionals, lawyers, unions, teachers, schools, business people, grannies, mums and dads are joining together to oppose immigration detention of children and put an end to it. With recent Roy Morgan research showing a profound increase in Australians supporting immigration by people seeking asylum (71% up from 52%) it is time for the Australian Government to act.
Children Out by Christmas 2014 eh?
You may remember that in November last year the Immigration Minister said that ‘Children could be released from the Christmas Island immigration detention centre as early as Christmas.’ The deal was that certain children (not all) would be released by Christmas if ministers backed the Immigration Minister’s sweeping legislation (see ChilOut’s summary). This legislation would do nothing for 167 children detained on Nauru at that time, nor any others in the system. Today over 200 children are detained, only now they have even less rights. Only a few weeks out from Christmas 2015 here’s the reality:"

Australia's obsession with border protection farce SMH article
Authorities continue to comb the world to resettle refugees - now Kyrgyzstan
National Rural Australians for Refugees - now has current news on their web site
(8134 page reads)
check out the index of subjects on the blog
the draft newsletter for next week is on the blog see tab at top
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David Wallin
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