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Newsletter for 19 April 2016 - Rural Australians for Refugees Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Next Market stall will be in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 24 April 2016

Our next market is this coming Sunday, 24th April, near the jetty in Coffs Harbour. It would be great if we could have some help for an hour or two between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm. If you are able to help out, please let Mike know by emailing him at:  As usual, we’ll be giving out leaflets, seeking signatures on a new petition, selling our merchandise and engaging with the public. You don’t need to have any prior experience of doing this sort of activity, and you will enjoy it!

This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes. To read the complete newsletter click below

Facebook for RAR Bellingen and Nambucca Districts for all the news

Some of it is copied to our Blog

Fate of 28000 refugees living join our communities 13 April 2016

Border Force Uniforms made in countries where minorities are persecuted

Tiniest refugees relish freedom in Australia 3 April 2016

Pop up Protest at Big Banana 14 April 2016
letter sent to Coffs Advocate reporting on the pop up protest

Rural Australians For Refugees have started a Pop-Up Protest campaign in the lead up to the next Federal Election in the Nambucca, Bellingen and Coffs area. After a successful protest in Toormina a few weeks ago they gathered in front of the Big Banana on Thursday afternoon. Banners and placards supporting the rights of asylum seekers and calling for the closure of Nauru and Manus detentions centres were greeted with toots and thumbs up from passing motorists and enquiries from people visiting the famous Coffs landmark. 

The group has been campaigning in the local area since the murder of Iranian asylum seeker, Reza Barati, on Manus Island just over two years ago. In that time RAR groups have formed all around the country from  Fremantle in WA to Ballina on the Far North Coast and with the recent #LetThemStay rallies around the country the tide of public opinion seems to be turning. When confronted with the facts of offshore detention and the damage it is doing to vulnerable people fleeing the horrors of war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan many Australians are asking their politicians, both LNP and ALP, to do the right thing and accord these people their rights under the UN Convention relating to  Status of Refugees to which Australia is a signatory. 

They are asking that these people be immediately moved to Australia to have their refugee claims assessed and treated with dignity and not used as political pawns as they were in the last election. Protests will be taking place throughout the area every couple of weeks and they continue to hold market stalls around the area to help educate locals about the issues facing asylum seekers. RAR will be at the Harbourside Markets on Sunday 24th April.

John Pollock

12 supporters came to protest -  more photos on our blog

Next pop up protest is being planned for  Urunga   Pacific Hwy. in front of the BP servo, north of Urunga        3-4:30  Thursday 28th April

Dates have been planned as follows

Thursday 28th April    Pacific Hwy. in front of the BP servo, North of Urunga.
Thursday 12th May     Pacific Hwy. in front of Plaza Shopping Centre, Nambucca Heads.
Thursday 26th May     Dorrigo  Venue to be announced.
Thursday 9th June       Waterfal Way, Maam Gaduying Meeting Place in front of the Library, Bellingen.

If people could let Robin know if they are coming, once we have 6 he will confirm the date, car sharing is a good way to cut down the passenger miles too, he will coordinate that.

All times 3-4:30pm.
02 6655 9254 (evenings)
0490 314 166

Luke Hartsuyker's interim reply to Marlene's letter about the cost of the film "the Journey"

Simon Tedeschi to perform for the Bellingen and Nambucca Heads Rural Australians for Refugees Group. Help us by volunteering  

The recital will take place on Sunday 12th June, commencing at 2.30 pm and will be followed by refreshments in the Stringer Gallery. Further details will follow in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, please put the date in your diary and spread the word! This is a wonderful opportunity to hear a world-class pianist and to raise funds for two deserving causes.

Simon Tedeschi Concert
Can you help with the planning and organisation?

Marlene and I are familiar with organising concerts for the local Arts Council, so we will be able to take care of much of the planning. However, there are some things, both in advance of the concert and on the day, with which we will need help from our RAR supporters.

1. Organisation in advance of the concert
·      Organise a raffle for the day of the concert. Can somebody to take this on?
·      We would like some of our supporters to sell tickets. Let us know if you can help with this.
·      Distribution of posters and flyers. We need people to get posters in shopfronts, community boards, workplaces, libraries etc. We also need people to distribute flyers to friends, colleagues etc.
·       We will be asking supporters to bring a plate of light refreshments to share after the concert, so we need a volunteer to coordinate this.
2. Organisation on the day of the concert
We need people on the day to help with the following:
·      At least two people to set out the chairs and put out Chilout and RACS flyers.
·      Helpers required to serve refreshments.
·      One person to help Mike on the front desk on the desk to check tickets/ take money.
·      Two people to sell raffle tickets.
·      Two people to organise and manage the RAR stall.
·      Several people to put away chairs/ clear up after the concert.

If you can help with any of the above, please contact Mike and Marlene at :,  or telephone: 6569 5419
Many hands make light work!


Our blog is at and includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers

check out the index of subjects on the blog
the draft newsletter is on the blog  - see tab at top.
The newsletter is sent to 407 recipients
(Page reads 11828)


Twitter Account @RARBellingenNam

The National RAR web site is at 

David Wallin.

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