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Phone Call to Prime Minister's Office - A great and immediate initiative from Georgette following the appeal in today’s newsletter”.

A great and immediate initiative from Georgette following the appeal in today’s newsletter”.

I just phoned the PM’s parliamentary office, and received a very positive response from his PA.  I focussed on the parochial nature of the general populations of PNG, and how they will probably have very little understanding of world affairs and politics.  I mentioned that I have lived in PNG, and understand their fear of ‘strangers’ – that’s why they had 700 different languages on that moderately sized island! 
I pointed out that there is no humane and viable solution other than bringing the refugees here to safety to Australia, the most multi-cultural society on Earth – where we have learned to absorb and benefit from cultural ‘differences’.
I mentioned the cost to Australia taxpayers, over the years of detention offshore.  I said we could spend our resources far more effectively by bringing those refugees here.  The woman listened, responded, and undertook to definitely pass on my message to the PM, and thanked me for taking the trouble to call. I think a phone call can register more effectively than an email, for those who have the time (and unlimited STD calls on their plan!) 



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