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Letter from Nick McKim's office - Thank you for writing to Nick McKim regarding your open letter to Bill Shorten

From: Perry, Andrew (Sen N. McKim)
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:31 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Open Letter to Bill Shorten

Dear Mike

Thank you for writing to Nick McKim regarding your open letter to Bill Shorten. As Nick is Canberra for the Budget, I am responding on his behalf, as his adviser.

I’m glad you enjoyed the presentation of the Tampa Award to Behrouz Boochani. I know Nick thoroughly enjoyed presenting it, and being there for the Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) conference.

Good on you for collecting signatures for support of closing Australia’s inhumane offshore detention camps, and ensuring detainees imprisoned there are afforded the safe asylum they are entitled to.

In tandem with the efforts of RAR and other NGOs, the Greens will continue to advocate for those same outcomes in the media and parliament until they are realised.

Thank you again for writing to Nick, and providing him with a copy of your open letter to Bill Shorten. We wish your letter and petition every success in achieving its policy objectives.

Warm regards


Andrew Perry  |  Adviser
Office of Nick McKim 
 |  Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania
149b Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000  |  T: 03 6224 8899
SG-55 Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600  |  T: 02 6277 3601

Senator McKim’s Hobart office is on the land of the muwinina people

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