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Letter to editor - three lies

Three lies

The Morrison/ Dutton claims following the passage of the medical evacuation bill are dramatic, designed to confuse and are lies.

Lie number  1- ‘the boats will restart’. The boat trade never stopped! Some 15 boats each carrying 100 refugees left Indonesian shores each year from 2014 to 2018. That’s  a total of 6,000.

Lie number 2- there will be a ‘flood of boat arrivals to our shores’. None of the 6000 refugees leaving Indonesia from 2014 to 2018 became ‘boat arrivals to our shores. Our Navy detected them as they entered our waters and sent them back to Indonesia.

Lie number 3, ‘we must open the detention centre on Christmas Island’. Why? Refugees leaving Indonesia are detected in turn back and sent back to Indonesia. Christmas Island has no place in the turn back operation. 

Try listening to the blatherings of these two and run a fact check on them.  Trump’s record is 85 lies/100 statements. These two give him a good run!

Dr Michael Blockey

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