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letter to local newspapers

Refugees and asylum seekers
Dear reader,
 I am saddened by the way both the Coalition and the ALP play upon our fears in their treatment of both refugees and asylum seekers under the pretext of border protection. Firstly they imply that they have broken Australian laws, but won’t test it in a court of law, secondly they try and de-humanise them by not referring to them by name and thirdly their trauma is continued by the way they are treated in detention. The whole aim is to desensitise us to their trauma and to get us used to suspending our natural empathy towards someone in distress. Yet these same people harp on about giving people a “fair go”, hypocrites I cry.
Good leaders unite a nation, not divide it. So I urge people to let their candidates know that if they want your vote, they need to demonstrate some empathy to those in need.
Robin Hesketh

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