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Letter to Luke Hartsuyker 2 May 2014

Valla Beach
 NSW 2448
                                                                                                2nd May 2014

Dear Mr Hartsuyker,

Like many decent Australians, I am deeply dismayed by the government's inhumane, cruel and unlawful policy of locking up more than one thousand children in detention centres on mainland Australia, on Christmas Island and on Nauru. How can you, as a father of children yourself, and as a decent human being, continue to support this policy? How can you countenance children being used as a deterrent?

You are well aware, I am sure, that under international law, children should not be held in detention for any longer than is absolutely necessary for health and security checks to be carried out. How, then, do you justify the regular statements from government ministers which make clear that it is the government's  intention to continue the current inhumane, immoral and unlawful policy?

As my local member of Parliament, I would like to know how YOU feel about the government's current policy and practice.

I look forward to hearing from you.

                                                                                                            Yours sincerely,
