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Newsletter for 29 March 2016 RAR Bellingen and Nambucca

End of month picket/protest  THIS Thursday 31 March 2016
 Dear All,
 I am asking for support for our last Thursday of the month’s picket.
 Date Thursday 31st March, time 3pm-5:30pm, location the roundabout at the junction of Hogbin Drive and Sawtell Road.
 If you are able to come please let me know either by email ( or phone 0490314166

more on protests below
Thanks Robin Hesketh

Valla Beach Markets THIS Saturday 2 April 2016
This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes. To read complete newsletter click below

John and Mike will be setting up the stall at 7.00 am and would welcome volunteers from 9.00 am through until 1.00 pm. If you can help for an hour or two, please contact Mike at:, or phone him on 6569 5419. It’s a great market and we always have lots of interest from the public, who are happy to engage in discussion, sign our petition and sometimes purchase our various items of merchandise.
All the profit from the sales of our merchandise is donated to ChilOut, the Australian charity  which is dedicated to educating people about the plight of children in detention and advocating for their release. 
Please consider joining us for a while, even if just to drop by, have a chat and sign the latest petition to the Prime Minister.  It would be good to welcome some new faces, so why not give it a go?

Facebook for RAR Bellingen and Nambucca Districts

Some of it is copied to our Blog

Grandmothers against Children in Detention protest 15 March 2015

Protests and pickets… From Robin Hesketh

 Dear Members and Supporters,
I am co-ordinating the protests and pickets locally, but it frustrates me that we are doing it only once a month and at only one location, which is not necessarily easy for many to participate in. Whilst asylum seekers and refugees languish in detention.
I have many potential locations in mind. Coffs Harbour, North and South, Coramba, Urunga, Bellingen, Dorrigo, Nambucca Heads, Bowraville, Macksville and Kempsey for starters. I’m sure others have ideas too.

It only wants two to start a protest and that mainly for company and moral support. The advantage of this is that it would not be so far for people to travel and we raise more people’s awareness to what is happening in our name. The times would be for maximum presence and impact for the particular    spot, the day to be most convenient for those involved (my reasoning for the Toormina protest is going home time for schools and workers).

So for anyone who is interested or willing and can “stiff arm” a friend to keep them company, please contact me for any support that I may be able to give, in the form of a location, times, suggestions for banners/placards, or any other way I can.

My contact details are:
02 6655 9254 (evenings)
0490 314 166


In this week’s edition of ‘The Sun Herald there is an item announcing that the Immigration Department has made a $6 million telemovie which made its debut on Afghanistan  television last Friday . It is called ‘The Journey ‘ and is intended as a deterrent to would be asylum seekers . The film depicts the harsh treatment of refugees aiming to come to Australia .  A trailer available on “You tube” shows scenes of a group of Afghan asylum seekers attempting to get to Australia by boat.  Their distress and subsequent treatment is made very clear in the film. 

According to the press report,  a Sydney company called “Put it Out There Pictures” was commissioned to make the movie. The Department of Border Protection and Immigration  spent more on this short film, an estimated $6 million, than most top ranking Australian film classics of recent times. Around $ 1.63 million of tax payers money has been spent on advertising and promotion alone.

The report  tells us that the film has already been screened in Pakistan , Iraq and Iran and has been translated into a variety of middle eastern languages. 
However, we are informed that the film will not be available in English. 

The question we need to ask is this . If the film was commissioned  in our name and we, the Australian tax payers  are footing the bill for the film why  are we not being allowed to listen to the commentary in English  ? Why is the film is not being screened with sound track that most Australians understand  ?  I urge you to write to your political representatives to ask them this simple question. 

We seem to be living in a ‘secret state ‘ where our politicians feel it is appropriate to keep us all in the dark. We deserve to know what has been screened internationally  in our name. 


Sydney Morning Herald article is on the blog, but the video trailer could not be copied?

Marlene has written a letter on this matter and a copy has been attached. It is also on the blog


Our blog is at and includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers

check out the index of subjects on the blog
the draft newsletter is on the blog  - see tab at top.
The newsletter is sent to 403 recipients
(Page reads 11221)


Twitter Account @RARBellingenNam

The National RAR web site is at 

David Wallin

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