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Letter from Heather Gray to Prime Minister

Title: Ms
First name: Heather
Family name: Gray

Subject: Children and Families remaining on Nauru and Manus Islands

Dear Sir

I find it appalling that you and your government continue the harsh and inhumane  treatment of these refugees. You state that you follow the Christian faith and if you truly did you would fight for the release of these people and bring into our care in Australia. Your governments policies are becoming like a third world dictatorship or a country with Nazi like sympathies with the way you are treating the refugees on Nauru and Manus.
It is time you and your government reviewed all the evidence on the treatment of these people and stopped being cruel and inhumane
I don't know if you ever get to really read emails sent to you but hopefully more and more Australian citizens are communicating with you about this disgraceful situation 

Heather Gray

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