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A matinee music concert ‘Reaching Out ’ will be staged on Sunday July 28th

A concert of inspiration and hope featuring

Musicians of the
Bellingen Youth Orchestra

With local duo  Snez and Stewart 

When:           2pm on Sunday July 28th

Where:         Nambucca Community and Arts  

                     Centre,  Nambucca Heads.

Tickets $ 20. Students $10  . Children free .

Available at Helloworld Travel Bowra Street. Nambucca Heads or on the door on concert day

To book a ticket and pay on the day tel Marlene Griffin on 65695419 or Email

This is a fund raising event in aid of the Asylum Seekers Centre which gives support to asylum seeker families  living in Australia. 

Come and join us for an  afternoon of great music for a good cause. 

Some of the musicians

Stewart Peters

Jazz Ensemble of Bellingen Youth Orchestra

Bellingen High Youth Orchestra

Bellingen High String Quartet

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