In this newsletter:
Roadside demonstration report
National RAR letter writing appeal
Fundraising Concert: Sunday 28th July at 2.00 pm, Nambucca Community and Arts Centre
Life in Australia for medical evacuees
Senator Jacqui Lambie
Roadside demonstration report
were fewer in number last week in Coffs Harbour, but we nonetheless
made our presence felt and received lots of support from passing
motorists. A big thank you to our supporters for turning up for what was
forecast to be a rainy afternoon. Fortunately, the rain held off until
later in the day. Our next roadside demonstration will be on Waterfall Way in Bellingen, adjacent to the Yellow Shed, opposite the entrance to the golf club, on Thursday 11th July, from 2.30 to 4.00 pm. Please join us if you can.
National RAR letter writing appeal
will be aware from earlier newsletters that there is growing opposition
in Papua New Guinea to the continued presence of Australia’s refugees
and asylum seekers on PNG soil. The governor of Manus, the Catholic
bishops, and,
more recently the new Prime Minister James Marape, have expressed their
concerns. The time therefore seems ripe for us to urge the PNG
government to finally draw a line under this shameful and ongoing
tragedy and to demand that the Australian government finally accepts its
responsibility for the remaining detainees trapped in PNG. Could you
please therefore consider writing to the PNG Prime Minister, James
Marape, and urge him to resolve the current unsustainable situation for
asylum seekers and refugees held on Manus island. You might wish to
include some of the following:
Congratulate Mr Marape on his recent appointment.
him that his appointment provides him with the opportunity to resolve
the unsustainable situation for the men currently detained on Manus
Ask him to close the detention centres as recommended by many, in particular the Secretary of the PNG Bishops’ Conference.
that indefinitely detaining hundreds of men inevitably leads to
despair, more attempted suicides, more deaths and ongoing negative
international attention.
him of the responsibility under the International Charter of Human
Rights to ensure the safety and wellbeing of people held on Manus
that it is shameful for the Australian government to claim that the
responsibility for the present situation lies with the PNG government.
• Ask
Mr Marape to insist on a definite timeline for the closure of the Manus
island facilities and the relocation of the detainees to a place of
safety and security.
National RAR asks that we email The Hon James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, at:, and that we post our letters to the following address:
The Hon James Marape,
Prime Minister’s Office, Parliament House,
Magani Crescent,
Port Moresby National Capital District,
Papua New Guinea.
You can find a sample letter on our blog by clicking on the link at the end of this newsletter.
Fundraising Concert: Sunday 28th July at 2.00 pm, Nambucca Community and
Arts Centre
hope that you already have this date in your diaries! You can look
forward to a most enjoyable afternoon of music. Talented young musicians
from Bellingen High School, comprising a string quartet, a jazz
ensemble and the Bellingen Youth Orchestra Sinfonia, will be joined by
local professional singer-songwriters Snez and Stewart. Tickets are $20
for adults, $10 for students, and no charge for children under 10.
Tickets are available from Helloworld Travel on Bowra Street in Nambucca
Heads, or on the door on concert day. If you wish to reserve tickets in
advance, to be collected and paid for on the door, then please email
Mike at: or phone him on 6569 5419.
plan to have a raffle at the concert, and so far, we have a lovely
watercolour painting to offer. If you can donate a prize for the raffle,
then please let Marlene know by emailing her at:
We are also looking for helpers to assist with the organisation on the afternoon of the concert. If you are able to help out, then please get in touch with Marlene.
hope to raise a four-figure sum for the Asylum Seekers Centre in
Newtown, who do such good work in supporting asylum seekers in our
capital city.
Life in Australia for medical evacuees

stories have emerged in recent days about the treatment of people who
have been brought to Australia from Nauru and Manus for medical
treatment. People who have been brought to Australia for treatment find
themselves confined to cheap accommodation, surrounded by SERCO guards,
who sit permanently in corridors and who routinely enter people’s rooms
at night. Leaving the accommodation for any reason involves invasive
body cavity searches by security staff. A Guardian report states that
people are being held in dirty and comfortless situations and are moved
around repeatedly and arbitrarily between detention centres and cities.
One detainee says that she and her family spent six weeks in the
Brisbane detention centre transit accommodation and were then sent to a
hotel in the Brisbane CBD for another eight weeks. Afterwards they were
sent to Adelaide for almost three months, and now have been in transit
accommodation in Melbourne for more than two months, and counting. How
can seriously mentally unwell people be expected to recover from the
trauma of fleeing their country and of indefinite detention when our
government treats them with such callous indifference?
Senator Jacqui Lambie
week we asked our supporters to get in touch with our local MP to urge
that he
NOT support the overturning of the medivac legislation. We also
indicated that the vote of Senator Jacqui could be crucial in keeping
the legislation in place, but we couldn’t give you her contact details.
It appears that the relevant details will not be updated on the
government’s website until the new parliament is sworn in. We don’t
therefore, as yet, have a phone number for senator Lambie, but you can
email her at: It’s possible that the matter will not come before the Senate until next week.
This newsletter is sent to >620 recipients
It includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians and newspapers.
Twitter Account @RARBellingenNam
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