What is the current policy?
government has made it clear that indefinite offshore detention will continue,
and that the approximately 800 men and women detainees will remain on Nauru and
Manus island. None of them will ever be resettled in Australia. The New Zealand
government’s offer to take 150 refugees a year from Manus and Nauru has been
rejected. The agreement to resettle refugees in the US is moving at a glacial
pace, and the Trump administration is reluctant to accept refugees from a
number of countries, including Iranians, Somalis, Syrians and Iraqis.
is the Coalition’s rationale?
government places great emphasis on “protecting” our borders. They insist that
offshore detention is essential to protect our borders, to prevent deaths at
sea, and to deny the people smugglers their lucrative trade. They also insist
that any relaxation of the current policy, such as agreeing to accept the NZ
offer to resettle refugees, would create a “pull” factor which would lead to a
new influx of boat arrivals, and that refugees resettled in NZ could at a later
date enter Australia by the “back door”.
this a credible policy stance?
assertion that offshore detention is essential to defeat the people smugglers,
to prevent deaths at sea and to protect our borders is neither honest, humane,
nor morally defensible. We have an armada of naval ships to our north, which
has prevented asylum seekers from reaching our shores from Indonesia. Some 33 boats, with more than 800 people on
board, have been intercepted and turned back. No boats have reached our shores.
No lives have been lost at sea. It is
this naval blockade, not the ongoing torture of indefinite detention, that has
stopped the boats, denied the people smugglers their trade, and prevented
deaths at sea.

offshore detention, therefore, serves no humanitarian purpose and does not help
to keep our borders secure. In any case, how can any government use detainees
as human shields to deter others? That is morally reprehensible. Offshore
detention, then, is a political strategy, designed and prosecuted by
politicians who lack principle or humanity. The key priority seems to be to appear
to be tough in order to wedge the opposition. The detainees in offshore
detention are the acceptable collateral damage.
does all this mean for the detainees?
approximately 800 people who remain trapped indefinitely on Manus and Nauru
have been held in captivity for six years, with little hope for their future.
They have committed no crime, but their lives and wellbeing are being
sacrificed in pursuit of a punitive political agenda. Twelve men have died.
Many others have self-harmed, and most of those who remain have significant
mental health and other health problems. In the weeks following the re-election
of the Morrison government, many detainees have self-harmed or attempted
can we do?
We can telephone the office of the Prime Minister to explain
objections to the cruel, inhumane and indefensible policy of indefinite
offshore detention. Tel: 02 6271 5111
We can telephone the office of Home Affairs Minister Dutton to demand that
the government accepts the offer of the New Zealand government to resettle 150
refugees per annum from Nauru and Manus. Tel: 02 6277 7860, or email him at: minister@homeaffairs.gov.au.
You can join our group, one of more that 80 RAR groups in Australia, to
campaign for a more compassionate country.
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