Protest - justice for Reza Barati murdered on Manus Island one year ago - Protest on Tuesday 17 February 2015 at noon
This newsletter is stored here for archive purposes. Click below to read the complete newsletter
Rally to commemorate the 12 months since Reza Barati was murdered on Manus Island.
Meet at Luke Hartsuyker's office for march to Coffs Mall. Bring placards, banners etc.
Tuesday 17th Feb at 12noon.
For those who can't make it then, show your solidarity with an evening vigil in your own home or neighbourhood.
Also a letter to our MP and the local papers all add to the campaign for justice for Reza and the wider issue that we are all campaigning for
..the closure of Manus and all offshore concentration camps.
Photo attached to print off for placard (you may need to choose "fill whole page")
John Pollock
Conditions on Nauru - There were two important and powerful articles in the Sydney Morning Herald about conditions on Nauru. (9.2.15).
The first was by Sarah Whyte, entitled “Staff shocked at “appalling” conditions” (page 11) attached below and the second by David Isaacs and Alanna Maycock (page 21) "Degrading treatment..." (attached below). The two of them spent 5 days on Nauru in December, investigating conditions.
They report: “The many children and parents we saw, almost all with stress-related health conditions, had been in offshore detention on Christmas Island and Nauru for more than a year. Most staff members are sent home after four to six weeks to rest; they become exhausted and develop mental health problems if they stay longer. Yet asylum seekers are detained indefinitely...............To imprison anyone without trial contravenes international law.
More importantly, it contravenes the moral code of any civilised or even semi-civilised country..........Our treatment of asylum seekers repels the international community. We need to tell politicians that mandatory detention should stop now, in Australia and offshore.”
A very powerful message from two professionals who refuse to remain silent, having seen the conditions under which asylum seekers are detained.
We encourage our supporters to read the two articles and then to write to Dutton, Abbott, Shorten and Hartsuyker.
Mike has written to Luke Hartsuyker, local National Party member and Peter Dutton Minister for Immigration
His letter (attached below) will give you inspiration to write to the Government.
Valla Beach Community Markets January 2015
The markets were well attended and sixty people signed the petition

more photos on the blog
Implications of new Asylum Seeker laws
Laws were amended at the end of 2014. Mike has written an information sheet to explain what powers the Government has given itself. see attached.
National RAR
A powerful video response to Russell Brand's video about Australia's asylum seeker and refugee policies -
It is a very interesting video and covers subjects discussed above as well as protests overseas against Australian off shore detention
Blog includes articles from many sources and letters to politicians.Click on the buttons at the top of the blog to get ideas for and to see letters already sent to politicians and newspapers (3845 page reads)
Better use of money that is wasted holding asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island
Valla Community Markets January 2015 - photos
Guardian Australian article on Human Rights Watch World Report
New button "Peter Dutton" with start of letter campaign to influence the new Minister - please join in

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