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High Court Challenge - Mike's response to Alannah MacTiernan

My response to Alannah MacTiernan.

From: Mike
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 1:09 PM
To: MacTiernan, Alannah (MP)
Subject: Re: High court Challenge

Dear Alannah,
So what happened then? My understanding is that Labor members voted to not allow journalists to visit Manus and Nauru, to not allow visits by the Human Rights Commission or other NGOs and to continue the policy of indefinite detention. Where does that leave Labor in relation to a principled policy stance? You had the opportunity to make some difference at the margins, but you passed it up.  I will never again vote for a party that locks up children  who have committed no crime. When the history of this wretched episode is written, the Labor party will rightly be judged to have let us all down. We deserve better than this.

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