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six actions for asylum seekers in applying for asylum

What can I do while I wait for the Minister to allow me to apply for asylum?
Are you an asylum seeker who arrived by boat and have not yet applied for asylum?
If the answer is yes, here are 6 things you can do now while you wait for the Minister to allow you to apply.

1. Ensure you keep your contact detail up to date (address and phone number)
Note: The Department doesn’t confirm that they have received the form
2. Submit a Freedom of Information application requesting a copy of your file

-  Complete Form 424A, available here:
  • It is free
  • You must have proof of ID attached to form (can be your Immi Card)
  • Ask for a copy of your entire immigration file including:
    •  internal memos and correspondence
    • recordings and written notes of interviews
    • any records of decisions relating to screening in or out
  • You can post or email the form (
  • It usually takes at least one month to receive your documents
3. Prepare a draft Protection Visa application form

- Complete a draft Protection visa application Form 866, available here:
  •  It is important to answer each question. If you don’t know the answer, write ‘I don’t know’
  •  It is important not to guess any information
  •  We recommend you obtain migration advice before submitting your form
4. Prepare a draft ‘statement of claims’
  •  A ‘statement of claims’ is a written copy of your story and the reasons you can’t go home
  • RACS has a useful factsheet available here:
  • We recommend you obtain migration advice before submitting your statement of claims
5. Collect any documents that support your story
  • Collect documents that support your story including where possible, identity documents
  • This might include: Letters, Photographs, Medicare cards
    •  Letters
    •  Photographs
    •  Membership cards
    •  Medical or counselling reports
    •  News articles about events that relate to your story
  • If the documents are not in English they will need to be translated
  • Two translations services are VITS: and All Graduates Interpreting and Translating:
  • We recommend you obtain migration advice before submitting your supporting documents
6. Consider finding a lawyer to assist you
  • Generally government funded legal assistance (IAAAS) will not be available
  • Government funded legal assistance may be available for unaccompanied minors

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
214 – 218 Nicholson Street
Footscray VIC

9326 6066

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