Pamela Curr's comments on the Moss Report 20 March 2015
Tomorrow both
Government and opposition will hope that the Moss Report, released on Friday at
4pm on the same day that Malcolm Fraser died, is forgotten by media and public
After all
a report detailing rape of women and sexual and physical abuse of children in a
Camp run by staff contracted and paid for by Australia, is nothing to be proud
No doubt they
will try to brush away any questions by stating that the Government has
accepted the Recommendations of the Moss Report so everything is ok, fixed,
lets move on, nothing to see here.
Please look at
the recommendations and see if you think that they will do anything to improve
the appalling lack of safety and security for women and children in the camps.
recommendations calling for everyone to be nice to each other.
Nauruan Police to investigate complaints of abuse against children when
there are NO CHILD PROTECTION LAWS in place
Both Australian Immigration and Nauruan officials to take into account the
"personal safety and privacy" needs of people in the camp- hardly
likely in shared communal tents
Forensic services in Nauruan police station!!
and so it goes on.
There is nothing
in these recommendations which is going to change the current abuse endemic in
the camps.
The background
to the horror on Nauru is complex. Forcing vulnerable people into a closed
society with its own identity crisis and struggle was never going to work.
pocketfuls of money into the pants of corrupt Nauruan officials will not quell
the deep seated unrest and animosity of the Nauruans to a forced invasion.
The Australian
government has done a deal to provide jobs in the camps to the local people
whether they are qualified or trained to do these jobs or not.
The Locals are
angry becasue they are paid $4 an hour to do what the flyin/ flyout Australians
and New Zealanders are paid $40 per hour to do. The Nauru Government has pegged
wages so that it can keep trained workers in Government services. Now that
people are being released from the camp and given the right to work, they are
competition to the local workers. This sets up anger in the community which has
seen released refugees beaten, stoned and bashed. Some of these attackers are
still working in the camp. The situation is not sustainable and is likely to
result in tragedy for all concerned.
In the meantime
vulnerable young women are subject to touching, assault, rape and fear in the
camps. Children have been raped, assaulted and beaten. There was much which
could not be covered in this report. What was not discussed was what happens to
the husbands and fathers when they stand up for their wives and children.
Police are brought in and they are taken to the Nauru lockup for weeks, leaving
their families even more vulnerable.
These findings
come from an investigation by former Minister Morrison's own Man, not a reviled
Human Rights advocate.
What will it
take for Australia to say no?
Please speak
out- Dont let them get away with continuing this abuse. Nauru must be closed as
must Manus.

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